Thursday, April 10, 2008


Congratulations to JJK and DM for a listing in Engadget. Siftables certainly aren't ready for the prime time yet, but I do count myself among the set who thinks that more analog/physical means for manipulating digital information is both cool, useful, and has a market. Keep pushing...


karsten said...

That's pretty nifty, but I'd like to hear more about what the point is. Are you supposed to be able to actually get work done with them, or are they just a toy?

Anonymous said...

And you're leaving out the mockery you and I subjected this idea to when JK drunkenly explained it 2 years ago?

Professor Atish said...

Well, it didn't make much sense when he was drunk, did it?

Professor Atish said...

KS... I think the point is to provide a physical input/output device for people. So, theoretically, you could organize your desktop more easily, or manage documents, or create a photo album. Theoretically...